We Offer the Best Corporate Support Services

All companies which are incorporated in Singapore must fulfill certain obligations mandated by the government. These conditions are applicable to all the companies whether owned by local entrepreneurs or foreign investors. However, many companies are unable to fulfill some of the obligations due to many reasons. One of the most important requirements for any company is to get a secretary appointed for your company within six months of your Company incorporation. The post of the company secretary is a very responsible one. It needs a person who is highly qualified and experienced in company affairs. He is responsible for advising the directors about the latest company laws. He must inform the directors any deviation from the laws that the company has made. This means that the person must be familiar with the company laws.
Also, it is the company secretary who shall be responsible for managing and conducting the annual general meeting and recording the minutes. He also must ensure timely filing of returns and submission of all statutory reports. Most importantly, he needs to ensure that the accounts are prepared properly, and the statements submitted as per the requirement of the ACRA. With so many duties to perform it is highly essential that a competent person is appointed to the post. For companies who cannot appoint such a person themselves, HCCS offers the Singapore coperate secetrial services  which will ensure that your company is functioning well within the framework of the company laws. We have highly efficient people for this position.
HCCS was formed with the intention of rendering many kinds of services to the companies in Singapore. We have the expertise in this matter. We are also highly experienced with over 20 years of service in both corporate and legal affairs. Because of our experience, we can offer many kinds of legal services too.
A company needs a legal consultant to advise and guide them in many matters. We can advise in making agreements of various sorts which are made between the company and other parties. These agreements are made with a view to protecting the company from various claims and disputes. As legal experts, we can help you in making these agreements. Contracts with employees also must be made with care and we can do the same offering full protection for you.


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